SketchUp Pro 2020: your 3D creative space
Introducing Outliner
A BIG model organization change: Outliner. In an effort to increase model performance, you no longer have to create Layers upon Layers. Use the eyeball icon to toggle between the major sections of your model, such as main floor plans and furniture.
Better control of hidden objects
You’ll notice in your drop-down menu that we separated hiding objects from hiding geometry. How will this change your workflow? Well, this will give you the ability to better manage hidden geometry and hidden objects for an even easier modelling experience.
New grips on bounding boxes
When you grab a point that is obscured in an object and start to move it, your object will automatically go transparent when something in your model interferes with the object you are moving. Start positioning objects in hard to reach places to see what happens!
Updates to your SketchUp dictionary
We have a few updates to the naming conventions we use when talking about SketchUp. Objects are now a collective term for: groups, components, and dynamic components. This just means we don’t have to say “groups (slash) components” anymore!

Document control
The focus for LayOut was on improving the interaction between SketchUp & LayOut to save you time and [brain] energy. This means way less back and forth in SketchUp updating scenes to ensure your drawing comes out perfectly.
Improved customization of your drawings
Take those LayOut docs to the next level with different models and views. If you have one SketchUp model that exists across several viewports, you can now relink just one of those And that’s not all! You also have the ability to toggle Tag visibility — straight in your LayOut doc!
More power to adjust model views
LayOut now understands a lot more about your SketchUp model and what you’ve overridden. This means you can safely change a style or camera angle directly in LayOut without accidentally losing your changes (!!).
SketchUp dashes control
With the introduction of dashed lines in SketchUp, LayOut now has the ability to modify how those lines styles are displayed. With the SketchUp model viewport selected, the SketchUp Model inspector will allow for modification.