
The architectural model system that lets you design, build and modify.
ARCKIT is a freeform model making system that allows you to physically explore designs and bring your architectural projects to life. The system uses interconnecting components that are completely modular and based on modern panelled building techniques, making it possible to create a diverse range of scaled structures that can be quickly assembled and endlessly modified.

Apply Realistic Detail.
Complete a finished ARCKIT model by applying detailed finishes such as wood flooring, terracotta tiles, stone walls and shingle aluminium. These surface textures include materials supplied by real building companies and are available from our ARCKITEXTURE library. Simply download and print to the supplied adhesive ARCKITEXTURE media sheets ready to be measured, cut and applied to your finished model.

Every ARCKIT component is made on a standard 1.2m/4ft modular grid to a scale of 1:48. This is only fractionally smaller than the 1:50 scale normally used by architects, and allows for easy conversion between metric and imperial. It’s also a popular scale with model manufacturers, making ARCKIT compatible with many other model products such as model vehicles, figurines and furniture.

The physical model can be used with ARCKIT DIGITAL for compatibility with 3D computer models, allowing you to recreate your designs using SketchUp versions of ARCKIT components in Trimble’s 3D Warehouse. This means that you can easily calculate component quantities necessary to build a physical model of your design, and virtually share and showcase your 3D computer models. ARCKIT is an add-on system, so this is just the beginning. We will be continually evolving and launching new components, individual component packs and online features. Watch this space.

Virtual Recreation of your Arckit Model
Calculate components and quantities necessary to build your Arckit designs, and virtually share and showcase your 3D computer models with friends, family or business clients.